Technology News

Why Is ERC-20 Token So Famous for Startups?

Definitely, business people especially cryptopreneurs, know ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is a proven way to promising projects.  Do you agree with that? Yes. Following it, Ethereum (ETH) is established as the world’s second most powerful cryptocurrency. And, it offers an…

What is Digital Twin Technology? Types, Uses & Benefits

Virtual representations of real-world items have grown in importance for many enterprises. Continue reading to learn more about this intriguing technology. Digital twins are virtual representations of physical items that are used for modelling. While the notion may sound like…

Canada’s Nextech signs multiple 3D model AR e-commerce deals

Nextech AR Solutions Corp., a metaverse organization and driving supplier of increased reality (“AR”) experience advances and administrations, has reported the marking of various 3D model AR online business bargains across various enterprises, including those that are new to Nextech,…